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Creating Personalized Content Filters with CrowdLabel

April 26, 2017 | Business, Developers, Tutorials

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We are all inundated with information. Even in a Google-powered world, where it’s relatively easy to find any type of content that we may seek, it can sometimes still take significant effort to pore through the search results and find the specific pieces we are interested in.
For instance, say you’re interested in wearable tech. More specifically, you need to keep track of how the market is doing — but you’re not that interested in in-depth articles that explore the tech behind the devices. You want to filter out all that “unnecessary” content, and just read a certain type of article that covers the topic in a way that matters to you.

The Task + Data + Approach

We’re going to create a personalized content filter that only shows you articles that you’ve deemed are interesting to you. Let’s use the example we discussed above, and tune our filter to pick out articles that talk about the wearable device market specifically, while leaving out other content related to the topic. This is a simple classification problem, and in this case, there are two categories: Interesting and Not Interesting.

Now, we need a dataset. This is a CSV file of 30 articles discussing wearable devices, which I gathered from Wired, Financial Times, and other content providers after running a basic Google search on “wearable tech”. Next, we need to train the model with this unlabeled data to teach it what we care about, which we can quickly do using indico’s CrowdLabel. This tool enables you to quickly upload, label, and seamlessly train a model on your own data when used in conjunction with Custom Collections — all without writing any code.

If you’re thinking that dataset of 30 articles sounds too small to train a robust deep learning model, don’t worry. We can use such a small dataset because Custom Collections allows you to make use of Indico’s hundreds of thousands of rich feature embeddings through transfer learning.

Note: We’ll only be building the backend function (as in, the machine learning model) in this tutorial. This app would likely require some sort of frontend, but is not within the scope of this tutorial.

Using CrowdLabel

Let’s get started! First things first — go to CrowdLabel and sign into your indico account (or sign up if you don’t have one yet). If you already know how to use CrowdLabel, feel free to skip to the section that examines how well our filter performs.

Before uploading your dataset, make sure all your examples are placed in a single column, and each example should live in a separate cell. You should also give the column a heading, as the first example in your CSV file will automatically be interpreted as a column title.

Articles in the CSV
Upload your dataset to CrowdLabel. You’ll be brought to a page that will allow you to prepare your dataset for labeling. See the image below for more details on the different form fields.

CrowdLabel - creating a new dataset

  1. Specifying the number of labelers per task will set the minimum number of times an example must be labeled before it’s accepted as complete.
  2. Be sure to leave instructions for your labeling party under “Question” so they complete the task the way you want it. Make sure you are clear about the task. Here we specify, “Does the article talk about overall wearable tech market trends?” This way the labeler knows our criteria for what is interesting.

Now, let’s consider how the end product should work. The question we’re trying to answer as we read each article is “Is this article interesting or not?” We’ll allow labelers to select only one option, since the answers are mutually exclusive, by using radio buttons. Go ahead and fill out the different label options, and click “Create Dataset”.

You’ll then be taken to the details page for your dataset, where you can review the task, add further instructions and team members, and take snapshots of your data. Go ahead and start labeling!

Label your articles
Try label the data as best you can, even if you’re uncertain about the accuracy of your choice. If you have multiple people labeling, examples will only be used as training data if several people validate the label (you can actually turn this function on or off, but we recommend using it for better results).

Take a Snapshot to train your Custom Collection model
You can take a snapshot of your data at any point for a macro look at how your data has been labeled (it will download as a CSV). Taking a snapshot also gives you the option to train a Custom Collection of all the available and validated labeled data with the press of a button. You can also specify model domain, which will tell Custom Collection to work with feature embeddings that are best suited to your task. For this case, it isn’t necessary. Finally, click “Save” to train your personalized content filter!

Your Personalized Content Filter

Note that at the moment, you will need to run code to use your Custom Collection model, but you can do it in just a few lines of code. If you want to try running it, use this script and test dataset (these articles are different from the ones we used for training. You could also gather your own for testing if you prefer).

Otherwise, here are some accuracy metrics produced by the model:

{u'metrics': {u'recall': {u'no': 1.0, u'yes': 0.975}, u'class_accuracy': 0.9888888889, u'precision': {u'no': 0.9833333333000001, u'yes': 1.0}}}

Precision and recall

metrics are typically used to measure the relevance of results for classification problems, such as this one. Basically, high precision indicates that the model found significantly more relevant results than irrelevant ones, and high recall tells us that the model found most of the possible relevant results. Looks like our model is really good at recognizing the sort of content we want to read (articles about the wearable tech market)! Now, to set the model to only return the “yes” (interesting) articles, we would just set a threshold probability in our code that tells the model to only show us articles that it’s confident we’ll like. If you want to be extremely strict, you could set it to yes = 0.9, but somewhere around 0.6 or 0.7 is probably good enough.

To give you a more tangible sense of how the model is working, here are some snippets of the articles the model deemed interesting vs. not interesting:

Interesting Not Interesting
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Next steps? Build a frontend for your app, and also hook up Text Tags to create an initial broad filter, before implementing this finer one. Questions? Reach out to us through that little chat bubble on the bottom righthand corner of your screen!


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