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  Everest Group IDP
             PEAK MatrixÂź 2022  
Indico Named as Major Contender and Star Performer in Everest Group's PEAK MatrixÂź for Intelligent Document Processing (IDP)
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Radically accelerate your path to success with unstructured data

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All major enterprise software platforms
— CRM, BI, ERP, RPA and more —
require structured data. . .

. . . But what about the 85% of enterprise data that is unstructured? How do you extract value from this data? Unstructured brings a complex and unique set of challenges, which is why we built the Indico Platform.

Unlike anything on the market, our platform is purpose-built for unstructured data. It combines robust data analytics, advanced artificial intelligence and ML technologies, deep learning capabilities and highly efficient process automation, enabling enterprises to maximize opportunity, reduce risk, and accelerate revenue.

The Indico
Unstructured Data

Automate laborious processes around unstructured data to deliver previously unattainable cost and time savings

Analyze the data, extracting actionable business insights and intelligence

Apply these insights and process automation capabilities to support key business transformation initiatives


Unstructured problems are “fuzzy”, and humans will always be a critical part of the process. Our intuitive machine teaching interfaces allow subject matter experts to create AI-powered bots that seamlessly scale to Fortune 500 volumes.

With award-winning explainability, human-in-the-loop support, and detailed process analytics, data and analytics professionals have the transparency and control required to ensure successful deployments every time.

Extract & classify unstructured data

Custom machine learning models that understand your inputs with a fraction of training data compared to traditional machine learning.

Flexible data ingestion
  • Out of the box integrations with major RPA platforms and content sources.
  • 70+ languages and handwriting supported.
  • Integrated OCR with built-in quality correction.
Visual labeling interface
  • Create custom data attributes. Invite SME’s to assist with labeling.
  • Keep the context of a document look and feel while allowing model training inputs to be as easy as highlighting text.
  • Easily unbundle files or create data linkages right on the document for the exact output required.
Unique ”machine teaching”
  • With as few as 50 labeled documents, your custom model comes to life with predictions showing that the model is learning from your inputs.

Orchestrate workflows for the simple to the complex

Indico Workflows allows you to see all of the touchpoints of your data from unstructured input to structured output. Create, manage, and modify your models and processors from one central location.

“Low code” buildable canvas
  • Visual workflow canvas to create and configure multi-step processes with multiple custom models.
  • Quickly build using the click and drop interface with no code/low code interface.
Auditability & traceability
  • Apply and modify settings for your Workflow to ensure that your output is precise to your process specifications.
  • Track all steps a file takes from submission to output with Indico’s No Black Box approach.
Metrics & analytics
  • Understand the performance of your Workflow, from document processing time to time-on-task for your human in the loop review.

Validate output and ensure accuracy

Your SME’s “bionic arm” with full control over your structured output with point-and-click intuitive output review and validation.

Review interface
  • Accept, reject, correct or insert missing values right on the item itself. Output data is “anchored” to its location in the document enabling rapid navigation between fields and pages.
Customizations for every scenario
  • Create custom settings per Workflow to maximize optimization, including straight-through processing by field or document, 2-eye or 4-eye review, and quality control oversampling, among others.
Configurable queues
  • Designate SLA per Workflow and access queues to review backlog. Exceptions queues can be configured for manager oversight for edge cases or rejected documents.

Integrated model improvement, deployment & ML governance

Practical AI Explainability to deliver complete transparency and confidence in your custom models.

Automatic 80/20 train/test split
  • Automatic generation of a random 80/20 train/test split of your data to generate a complete and reliable set of machine learning performance metrics.
  • Explore your model’s training data to find and correct errant labels to improve model performance in just a matter of clicks.
Data science best practice model metrics
  • F1, Precision, Recall and 4 different span types to examine to identify areas within the model for performance improvement.
Staggered loop for model improvement
  • Programmatically identify key anomaly documents from human-in-the-loop Review to improve model performance over time.
  • ML governance of improved models and deployments when you decide is best, not Indico.


Traditional business intelligence tools aren’t built for unstructured data. The industry is filled with solutions for exploring and visualizing structured records, while treasure troves of unstructured data sit gathering dust in data lakes.

Indico unlocks the insights trapped in your enterprise document collections and turns liabilities into opportunities.


For when metadata search and keywords just aren’t enough. Your data is unique, and the insights you need are specific to your business. Use Indico to supercharge your search experience with the purpose-built intelligence you’ve always dreamed of.

  • Smart facets let you define the most important information.
  • Natural language querying supports highly variable query complexity.
  • Deploy with your favorite search index or integrate with an existing solution.


No document is an island. Whether you’re trying to understand the differences between your contracts or collate supporting documents in a loan application, we’ve got you covered. Indico doesn’t just work within documents, it works across documents.

  • Confirm matching values across several different documents in a bundle.
  • Understand the variability in key clauses of a body of contracts.
  • Understand semantic similarity without relying on keywords.


Make your unstructured data accessible. All of the intelligence in the world isn’t useful if you can’t present it. Whether you’re trying to drive understanding of your unstructured data or are reporting on your unstructured processes, Indico makes things easy.

Review interface
  • Discover patterns in your unstructured data.
  • Augment PDFs by labeling key fields for auditability.
  • Wide array of model and process analytics.


Create visionary applications around your unstructured data. Transform your legacy applications, supercharge your CMS, and reimagine your customer onboarding.

Work with our select partners to change the way you work. Gain all the benefits of a modern cloud architecture without the overhead.


Even the most complex unstructured use-cases are just one step in a larger business process. Indico is built for flexibility, and puts you in the driver’s seat. Bring your dream architecture to life.

  • Fully-featured SDKs for major languages (Python, Java, C#).
  • Prebuilt integrations for key enterprise platforms (RPA, ERP, CRM).
  • Flexible deployment, built for your most sensitive data (On-premise, managed service, private cloud).


Re-imagine your unstructured applications. Go beyond upload screens and webforms to deliver next-generation application experiences that treat unstructured data like a first class citizen. With Indico, build unstructured features with confidence.

  • Work with your business and technology teams to understand the art of the possible.
  • Enable rapid feature iteration for agile product development.
  • >90% success rate for unstructured data initiatives.


Execute on your unstructured roadmap. Deliver cutting edge features ahead of schedule and run circles around the competition. Leverage Indico’s decades of experience with unstructured data to avoid pitfalls and successfully deliver on your unstructured initiatives.

  • Extensible auto-scaling microservices architecture supports you from a hundred data points to a hundred million data points.
  • Component-based orchestration layer supports complex unstructured workflows.
  • Optimized compute fabric minimizes data transfer and computer overhead.

Integrate into the Indico Platform

The Indico Platform connects to CRM, ERP, Business Intelligence, RPA and other software as the translation layer, enabling existing investments to process all of an organization’s unstructured data.

Indico Services™

Indico’s whiteglove services are ready to help teams at each step of the process, from integration support to performance optimization to training and consulting.

Learn more about Indico’s services

Technology capabilities

The Indico Platform uses composite AI which combines the strengths of multiple AI methods such as multimodal fusion and transfer learning to allow enterprises to get the best performance possible.

Learn more about Indico Technology

Get started with Indico

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