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Analyzing the Republican Presidential Candidates with Machine Learning

October 28, 2015 | Business, Developers

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Well, hello. Fancy meeting you here.
Yes, it’s Julie here again to tell you more about our amazing APIs and how you can use them yourself. Did you miss me last week? Do anything exciting? Maybe adopt a new cat? I got Jack new cat stairs so he doesn’t have to try to jump onto the bed anymore. #FatCatProblems

Anyway, I’m back to talk about indico’s magical APIs and how they will help your life. Missed a post? Here you go!

Part 1: Sentiment Analysis
Part 2: Text Tags
Part 3: Political Analysis on the Democratic Party

So this is actually a “Take TWO!” of the political analysis tool that we offer here at indico. A couple of weeks ago, we talked about the Democratic candidates who are hoping to become their party’s main presidential candidate and handed out, ahem, DemoCats to those who are the most liberal. Today we’re going to look at the Republicans…so of course we’ll be passing out RepubliKitties. Now let me preface this by saying that Cats are not better than Kitties. Kitties are not better than Cats. All felines are equal until proven guilty.

peed on the hamster

(source via a fun cat shaming website)  

Given the hopefuls’ performance on the weekend political talk shows, CNN is predicting that this debate will be feisty to say the least. Meow. But let’s step back for a moment and see just how conservative these cats are. We’ll be looking at speeches from the top five candidates in the polls with our Political Analysis tool. Plus, I’ve also added a fun fact for each of the hopefuls’ to give you that much more knowledge. Knowledge = power.

Ben Carson

We’ll start with Ben Carson’s announcement of his candidacy speech first, since he just recently got a bump in the polls.

By the way, indico just launched an all-in-one demo for political lean + sentiment (FTW!), so let’s run his speech through here on our first go around.


Pretty nifty, huh?  But for the sake of saving space, I’ll run the rest of the speeches through our demo on the homepage. See again Ben’s speech. You’ll see that by removing the least accurate party (see figure below that includes libertarian”), you get a bump in conservative and liberal results (see figure above), evening them out.


Here’s a fun fact about Ben: Dr. Carson was the first person to successfully separate twins conjoined at the head.  (source)

WOW. I definitely did not know that. But back on the political side, Ben gets himself 6.5 RepubliKitties for being 65% conservative in his candidacy speech. Purr.

ben carlson

Donald Trump

The next guy up is coming second in the polls…Donald Trump! I ended up analyzing two versions of his speech — his full version, and a condensed version that highlighted his political views without the extra commentary. Getting down to the nitty gritty, “The Donald” is a pretty strong conservative!

Full speech results:

donald-trump-political-analysisCondensed speech results:

Mr. Trump’s got 7.5 RepubliKitties all up in his hair.  Which, by the way, he achieves by blow-drying his hair forward and then combing it backward. Mystery solved. You’re welcome.

donald trump

Marco Rubio

Rubio’s in third place at the moment. Let’s see what he has to say.


Pretty middle of the road. Marco’s fun fact? His wife, Jeanette Dousdebes-Rubio, is a former Miami Dolphins cheerleader who posed in the squad’s first swimsuit calendar (source). Once you marry a cheerleader, the sky appears to be the limit! 5 RepubliKitties and a hot wife for Mr. Rubio!

marco rubio

Jeb Bush

Jeb Bush has started falling behind. What did he have to say when he first announced his candidacy?

jeb-bush-political analysis

Did you guys know that Jeb is not actually his name? It’s actually a combination of his initials: John Ellis Bush. 5 RepubliKitties for Jeb, I mean, John.
jeb bush

Ted Cruz

And here’s Ted Cruz, to complete the top five candidates in the polls for the GOP.


Fun Ted Cruz fact? A self-described “huge movie buff,” Cruz says his favorite movie is 1987’s “The Princess Bride.” (source) *Inconceivable!*  5.5 RepubliKitties given to Mr. Cruz from Inigo Montoya.

ted cruz

And the winner is…

So who’s the most right-wing conservative in this test? Drumroll please……. It’s Mr. Donald J. Trump!

trump wins award

He wanted me to tell you that though he couldn’t be here in person to accept the award, he thanks the indico team for making the world a better place. Don’t forget to check out “Take One” of the Political Analysis, where I analyzed the Democrats speeches and then handed out DemoCATS!

Wow, I’m really, really punny.

There are so many use cases for the Political Analysis API: political messaging analysis (surprise), targeting the right political voters, party support projections, checking to see if it’s the angel vs. devil on your shoulder, “Am I doing this wrong?”, and “Go home politics, you’re drunk.”

If you have more questions and want to ask them in a safe place with no judgment? Don’t go to your information dealer on the corner. Hit me up at Follow me on Twitter @southendjulie and indico @indicodata (check out our analysis of statements the candidates made during the debate there!) while you’re at it.


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