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Indico IPA Release Notes v3.3

April 23, 2020 | Release Notes

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Thank you for being a valued Indico user! We’re constantly making updates to our app and APIs, working on new features, and garnering feedback to be best in class for intelligent process automation.  Have ideas on how to make our product even better – please let us know here!

Innovations and Updates in v3.3:

  •  On Document Labeling
    • For PDF documents, annotation labeling can happen right on the document itself
      • Note: We still support CSVs – our system will automatically show you text or the PDF based on your file type.
    • Intuitive interface to easily collect labels on document – text highlight to collect information, double click to collect a single word, triple click to collect the entire line of text
    • Bounding box to extract text blobs easily
    • As model trains with labels, predictions appear on document with confidence level
    • Location of extractions on document available as output, as well as all the configurable information you’ve come to expect from Indico
  •    Review Details Page Refresh
    • Model Training details are now available in app
    • Model Training Status is split into 3 stages, with clear start of training time, total training time when training is complete, and up to the minute updates on model training failures so you can kick off retraining earlier
    • Model Group ID and Select Model ID information is now available on page – no need to parse the URL any longer!
  •  indico.io/Docs Updates
    • New documentation page that reflects our new Client Libraries
    • Access to the Python Client Library now backed by GraphQL
    • Come check us out!
  •  App Registration Requires Corporate Email
    • When registering at app.indico.io, we now require a corporate email address to register
    • If you run into any issues with this, please send us a note here
  •  General Bug Fixes and Improvements
    • We’re always working to make Indico’s app, APIs, models, and other tools better

Future Releases

Soon To Be Released

  • Try It Out for Workflows in App and Workflow Submission via API
    • Submit a document to see predictions and validate your workflow

Late Spring 2020

  • Repair and validation workflow for annotation tasks
    • Labels and predictions will have a review queue to validate and correct any text or annotation labeling errors prior to export from within the Indico app

Summer/Fall 2020

  • On Document Labeling for classification task, including ability to split filter datasets at the document, page, paragraph or sentence level for labeling
  • Repair and validation for all models within a workflow
  • SSO/Active Directory Integration

Late 2020

  • Watch Folders
    • Automate dataset upload through our watch folders by processing documents as they become available

Keep up to date on our latest happenings on our blog and our latest releases on our docs page!


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