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Better Data, Better Decisions: How AI and Automation Are Reshaping Risk and Pricing

March 31st at 10:00 AM ET

  Everest Group IDP
             PEAK Matrix® 2022  
Indico Named as Major Contender and Star Performer in Everest Group's PEAK Matrix® for Intelligent Document Processing (IDP)
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RE•WORK Deep Learning Summit Panel: Redefine Your Industry with Applications of Deep Learning

July 5, 2018 | Business

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 In this video, our CEO Tom Wilde weighs in on opportunities for businesses to refine their industries with deep learning in this panel discussion at the RE•WORK Deep Learning Summit 2018.

Moderator: Aditya Kaul, Research Director at Tractica

  • Sumehd Mehta, CIO of Putnam Investments
  • David Nydam, CEO of Business Intelligence Advisors (BIA)
  • Tom Wilde, CEO of Indico

Key discussion topics:

  • What is needed to redefine an industry with current deep learning technology?
  • At what level it is best to begin the implementation of deep learning methods?
  • What areas can benefit the most from deep learning applications?
  • What it will take to roll out the latest advancements with industry leaders?
  • What obstacles stand in the way of the broad application of deep learning and how can users overcome them?



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