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  Everest Group IDP
             PEAK Matrix® 2022  
Indico Named as Major Contender and Star Performer in Everest Group's PEAK Matrix® for Intelligent Document Processing (IDP)
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Legacy Automation is failing you.

Only 11% of Al & automation projects make it to production. It’s time for a change.

Legacy automation solutions essentially layer a modern UI on top of a glorified OCR & Template engine without addressing critical limitations such as:

Limited document support. Legacy automation can only handle structured documents leaving you to find other solutions for long form text based documents, images, video, and audio processing.

Templates driven. This requires a high touch approach, forcing you to create templates for all the document variations you encounter. This is a time consuming process and extremely cumbersome to manage.

Expensive compute and limited deployment options. Legacy automation solutions require significant Infrastructure investments and compute power, which often costs more than the solution itself. They also do not allow for multi-tenancy deployments, which means spinning up separate instances to manage multiple use cases.

Automate, analyze and apply your unstructured data assets in a single, extensible platform with Indico Data.

Let's Talk

“We have found $100M in value through hours saved that we can realize over the next 5 years by unlocking the value of unstructured data.”

– VP, Intelligent Automation at MetLife

“Indico’s unique technology advantage enables us to solve a breadth of use cases that we previously had been unable to automate.”

- Brandi Corbello, VP Transformation, Head of CoE, Cushman & Wakefield

“With Indico’s expertise and just a few hundred documents, we’ve successfully delivered cutting edge models in a way previously considered impossible.”

- Andrew Thornfeldt, Head of Real Estate Investment Banking, Chatham Financial
