Indico Data elevates insurance AI with out-of-the-box capabilities for global carriers. Read more.
  Everest Group IDP
             PEAK MatrixĀ® 2022  
Indico Named as Major Contender and Star Performer in Everest Group's PEAK MatrixĀ® for Intelligent Document Processing (IDP)
Access the Report

Built to drive transformation

Reform yourā€Ø
business processes

Transform operations for underwriters and claims teams, and empower them to make better decisions with faster, accurate data at their fingertips. Teams will no longer be draining resources with manual data entry and review. Our hybrid AI technology offers fast and measurable ROI and will help you foster a culture of innovation, adoption and efficiency.

Underwriting and Claims to-do list WITHOUT Indico

Watch inbox for submissions

Open and read email

Download and open attachments

Read through documents for
key data

Manually type in all important data
into downstream system

Determine what action to take on
submission received

Underwriting and Claims to-do list WITH Indico

Single-click check off any data points that fall below confidence level

Determine what action to take on submission received

Real results insurance teams see

faster speed
to response
Be fast, so customers are pleased while youā€™re growing profitability.Ā 
reduction in
processing time
Automate data entry and review in the submissions process, avoiding costly errors and saving time.
Make the best claims and underwriting decisions with automated, accurate data.

Transform processes that impact
the business most today

Too much

Line of business experts such as claims and underwriting teams spend up to 40% of their time on administrative tasks.

Customers expect

Empowered and digital-native consumers want fast, seamless service when they file a claim.


Digital-first competitors are putting the squeeze on traditional insurance companies.

How Intelligent Intakeā€Ø
can drive transformation

Enhance Operational

Optimize resource allocation by streamlining manual processes that are error-prone and time-intensive.


Build a culture of continuous improvement and innovation with our transformative tool that is easy for and loved by users.


Speed up turnaround time for your underwriting and claims teams and benefit from measurable ROI.

Maximize Your

Integrate our technology easily with yours and get the most out of your core systems.

Ensure Compliance
and Governance

Automate controls that improve compliance and governance, while reducing risk of errors and regulatory issues.

Orchestrate your operations
exactly the way you want

How Indico accelerates
the submissions process


Submissions are automatically ingested from a shared inbox or document repository


Items and attachments are classified and unbundled by document type


Required data points are extracted from each document


Data is structured to match the destination format requirements


Accurate, structured data is output to the downstream system of your choice


We cut bait fairly quickly on the legacy document automation approach and spent several years looking at a variety of technologies as the technical capability continued to mature.

VP of AI and Automation

Transform your manual
process today



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