We’re constantly making updates to our app and APIs, working on new features, and garnering feedback to be best in class for intelligent process automation. Have ideas on how to make our product even better – please let us know here!
Updates in v4.7:
- Rejected Items Included in Progress Bar
- Reject items are now included with items submitted to the Model in the Progress Bar total so that completeness of the task can be better understood at a glance
- This change will appear on the list of Teach Tasks and in Teach Task Settings.
Future Releases
Q1 2021
- Metrics for Review for in app measurement of time on task, workflow productivity, straight through processing, etc.
- Updated support for uploading docx, doc, ppt, and pptx directly to a Dataset
- Add Data to a Task after Task creation for continued model refinement
Spring 2021
- Next Generation Image Support
- Versioning and Comparison for Workflows
Summer/Fall 2021
- Language Expansion for western European languages
- Entity Linking
Late 2021
- Galleries for use cases and sharing models
Keep up to date on our latest happenings on our blog and our latest releases on our docs page!