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Release notes – Indico Unstructured Data Platform v5.0 preview 1

January 5, 2022 | Release Notes, Uncategorized

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Thank you for being a valued Indico user! The Indico Data team is excited to bring in the new year with a new version: 5.0! In late January 2021, we released the first preview of this new app version, with more to come later in the year. This preview will only be available on app.indico.io, get in touch with your Indico contact if you want access to the exciting features in this preview.

Innovations and Updates in v5.0 Preview 1:

  • Establish Relationship Between Label Fields With Linked Labels
    • Linked labels help you quickly and easily identify related pieces of information (and notice missing information) in the Indico user interface. Linked Labels are pictured as a blue dotted line between fields and can be approved and rejected like other labels.
    • You can enable linked labels during model creation. Linked labels can also be enabled on existing models via the model settings.
    • Information can be grouped based on the contents of a single line
      or with pre-designated stopping triggers which mark the end of a label (e.g., text formatted as a date may be a stopping trigger). Customization via the API is always available if our preset configurations do not meet your needs!
  • Add Components to Existing Workflows
    • On the Workflows Canvas, you now have the power to add models, filters, and transformers (like linked labels) to an existing workflow!
    • Any model added to another trained model contains all of the classes from the previous model.
    • Label and content length features can help define what enters models from upstream processes and what continues to downstream process. These filters can no longer be added during Teach Task creation and must be added in Workflows.
    • If your teach task list page looks more populated than normal after the update have no fear! All model groups that were created before this update are given a Teach Task as part of the release migration.
    • These new features allow for increased flexibility when creating workflows, making your automation process even more streamlined!
  • Workflows Updates
    • A Teach Task’s dataset will now be specified during Workflow creation.
    • “Add Workflow” in Workflows will now be used in place of “Create a Teach Task” in Teach. This will consolidate the creation of a model and improve app usability.

Have ideas on making our product even better – please let us know. 


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