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Announcing the Indico Trial Edition

September 16, 2021 | Announcements

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According to Forrester, 85% of all enterprise data is unstructured. Critical insights in documents, videos, audio files, emails and much more are trapped, out of reach of traditional automation, BI, and analytics solutions.

Addressing and extracting value from enterprise unstructured data is critical to your business, but it can be a complex undertaking.  Will it work for your use case? How well will it work? Where to even begin, all formidable challenges. 

To help companies get more value from unstructured data, and in support of the desire of prospects to accomplish more of their vendor and product evaluations on their own, we’re excited to announce the launch of the Indico Trial Edition. A free version of our award-winning platform, the Trial Edition allows customers to test drive our platform at their own pace and gain hands-on experience as part of their evaluation process.

When working with unstructured data, artificial intelligence is extremely valuable, and one of the core pillars of the Indico strategy has been to make the power of AI – and the disruptive impact  of Indico Transfer Learning in particular – available to enterprise business users and data professionals alike. By freeing unstructured data and making it usable for their enterprise, Indico customers have experienced a greater than 90% success rate in getting their projects to production vs the industry standard of around 50%.

In addition, customers and prospects increasingly want the ability to accomplish more of their vendor and product evaluations on their own, and the launch of the Indico Trial Edition will allow customers to test drive the product at their own pace and gain hands-on experience as part of their evaluation.

Why the Trial Edition?

Our customers use Indico to solve a wide range of use cases, so as part of the development of the Trial Edition we wanted to be sure we could support a broad spectrum  of possible users. This includes those with limited technical ability, perhaps just starting their research into possible solutions, to more experienced or technically savvy users already familiar with similar types of products.  

As a result, the Trial Edition provides a variety of experiences, from the simple to the complex, all with self-guided tours to help the user every step of the way.   Depending on how much time you wish to spend on the evaluation, we have provided some pre-built “starter” use cases as well as the ability to create custom models and access the Indico GraphAPI to test an end to end integration, ideal for more technical users.  

Using our Interactive Demos, in as little as two minutes you can see how our Indico Transfer Learning model works. You can then  step into our 30 Day Free Trial where we’ve set up data that demonstrates our capabilities with a brief but detailed self-guided walkthrough to learn how our document understanding and automation process works. For a more complete evaluation, the Trial Edition also fully supports the creation of custom models and workflows as well as our integration API.

Getting Started

With the Indico Trial Edition, we’ve curated three datasets and their relevant models to help you jump right into seeing how well Indico Transfer Learning can work for you.  These models are designed to showcase the product with just a few minutes of investment. We’ve selected diverse use cases that display the breadth of applications Indico has across business verticals and content.

Our sample use cases include:

  • Lease Agreements – Creating Lease Abstractions after a lease is closed by pulling out the relevant data and formatting it for input into downstream systems, such as an analytics engine.
  • Non-Disclosure Agreements – Similar to contracts, our Non-Disclosure Agreements model identifies information that could be used for a contract lifecycle management system, which keeps track of risk factors like upcoming expirations, exception-based clauses and various obligations. 
  • FCC Complaint Letters – Letters can be challenging because of their free form nature, but with the Indico, context around the complaint and other relevant information is extracted for better routing.

We have built our Teach Tasks to show how model predictions and behavior are informed by as few as 225 example unstructured documents per use case.  In the Trial Edition, you can label an additional twenty-five documents in the use case to  better understand how data is provided to the model through our easy to use point-and-click labeling.

After labeling documents, you can view model performance in Indico Explain. The Indico Platform is  built around  the philosophy  of “no black boxes”, and through Explain’s Metrics and Explore, we’ve made it easy to see why a model is predicting the way it’s predicting.  Diagnosing and remediating is simple within our Explore section, allowing you to easily answer key questions such as:  is the labeling consistent? And has the model not seen enough of a certain type of example? And of course you are able to identify and remedy the situation quickly and efficiently using our best-in-class interface for model understanding.

Custom Use Case Support

In as little as eight hours, you can build custom, production-ready Indico workflows from unstructured, structured or semi-structured image, text, or document files. Once built, our river of data can begin flowing to your downstream systems now with the structure to make it accessible and usable. 

After looking at the prebuilt data we’ve provided, you can follow the same steps by first uploading your own data to Indico and start building a custom Indico workflow. At Indico, we take data security very seriously. Whatever your data privacy needs are, you can always schedule a time with us to discuss how we can best support your privacy requirements.

All the tools you need to create and label custom models, link models together, and integrate with the Indico SDK, are available during the Trial Edition period (Learn more about our SDK!).  This includes being able to use tools like our RPA connectors, available for UiPath, Blue Prism, Automation Anywhere, and Microsoft Power Automate, to ensure that your process automation is complete end-to-end within your trial period.

We know that collaboration is key to the success of an automation project. We’ve also made it possible to invite team members from your organization to help with labeling in Indico Teach and interpreting model performance in Indico Explain during your 30 Day Trial. 

Scaling Beyond the Trial Edition

Beyond the Trial Edition, the Indico Platform has a number of other features that help with ensuring a high accuracy structured output that are available in the full version of the Platform.

Indico Review is for human-in-the-loop review that emphasizes the bionic arm approach that Indico takes.  When the subject matter expert is available to provide oversight and correction, the Workflow achieves both acceleration and accuracy gains.

Indico Discover is the bottom-up approach to data.  When experimentation will help you better understand the content of a set of files or assess if a use case is viable, Discover is there to help. Discover provides you with word clouds, T-SNE, and the ability to coarse classify documents based on your data.

If you are looking for help designing and deploying your solution, Indico Ignite is a suite of services to help with all things related to Indico. Indico Ignite can help  integrating with upstream and downstream systems, labeling, diagnostics, and many more.

Where to learn more

Register for our 30 Day Free Trial.

To learn more about our additional features, schedule a time for a full demo.


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