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March 31st at 10:00 AM ET

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Release Notes – Indico IPA v4.8

February 22, 2021 | Release Notes

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Thank you for being a valued Indico user! We’re constantly making updates to our app and APIs, working on new features, and garnering feedback to be best in class for intelligent process automation.  Have ideas on how to make our product even better – please let us know here!
Innovations and Updates in v4.8:

  •   Workflows Module
    • Workflows now lives in it’s own module on the left hand navigation
    • Workflows and their settings can now be found in this module in one easy to use list page
  •   Metrics for Review
    • We’ve been hard at work developing metrics to demonstrate how Indico Workflows and Indico Review are providing acceleration for your processes
    • This is the first phase of 3 for our Metrics Dashboard
    • Metrics Summary Lives at the top to get a quick glimpse into the state of your workflow:
      • Items Submitted is the number of files that have been uploaded to this particular Workflow in the last 30 days
      • Average Age in Queues is the average age of all of the items in the Review and Exceptions Queues at that moment in time
      • Passed Through Review is the percentage of items that have successfully been completed through Review and Exception queues in the last 30 days, and the percentage of items that have been rejected for that day.


    • Our charts show relevant information for Review and Workflow over the past 30 days or all time:
      • Total Items Submitted is the number of files that have been uploaded to the Workflow every day for the past 30 days or the lifetime of the Workflow.


      • Items Completed through Queues is a multifaceted chart to show how files are completed: via Review queue, via Exceptions queue, or Rejected; the chart can show these as relative percentage or as a count daily for 30 days or all time with filtering capabilities by chart.


      • Average Age of Items in Queues shows the daily average age of the items in Queues for 30 days or all time.


    • If your Workflow does not have Review enabled, you will have an abbreviated set of metrics, that includes Items Submitted in the Metrics Summary and Total Items Submitted chart.
  •   Support for .doc, .docx, .ppt, and .pptx 
    • We now support .doc, .docx, .ppt, and .pptx through our Document Labeling interface ensuring that any file type that requires classification or extraction can be handled through Indico’s application.
    • These file types are supported for both Teach and Review, and can be uploaded via Workflow Try It Out.
  •  Clearer Messaging and Confirmation of Reject in Teach Labeling
      • When labeling in Teach, there will now be a Rejection confirmation message that appears when attempting to reject an example.
      • Rejected examples are currently rejected out of the dataset and it is helpful to know this before fully rejecting the example.


  •    Better Messaging when User Permissions Disallow Access
    • Rather than receiving a fail snail, a user will not see that there are no Datasets or Workflows available to them if they do not have access due to permissions.
  •   General Improvements and Bug Fixes

Keep up to date on our latest happenings on our blog and our latest releases on our docs page!


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