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30 Minutes to Data Scientist: indico at NewCo

March 29, 2018 | Announcements, Business, Developers, Tutorials

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Too often, we hear folks lament the huge amount of data typically required to design robust deep learning solutions from the ground up. But…what if you didn’t need to start from zero?Because you really don’t.
With tech like transfer learning, it’s now viable for you to start with a model that already understands the basics of language or the elements of a particular image. From this jumping-off point, you can use deep learning to your advantage with training datasets that are orders of magnitude smaller and more economical than typically required.
Come learn how you can quickly develop this capability from indico’s co-founder and CTO, Slater Victoroff!

What to expect from Indico’s NewCo session

If you’re a product manager, analyst, or developer, our session is perfect for you. Machine learning and data science are exciting and highly-sought skillsets in the market today. Just as the Internet drove computing skills in the workplace, so will data science propel the next wave of technology and career progress. At our session, you’ll learn how you can build and use a machine learning model in 30 minutes or less, as well as understand the key elements of a properly functioning model. No prior development, data science, or software engineering experience required!

Session Details

Wednesday April 11, 2018 2:30pm – 3:30pm
(includes time for networking and refreshments) Space is Limited! Registration Required
Indico data solutions
186 South Street, Suite 400
Boston, MA 02111

About Indico

Indico is an enterprise AI solution for unstructured content. Our focus is on helping to automate tedious back-office tasks, improving the efficiency of labor-intensive document-based workflows, and extracting valuable insights from unstructured content, including text and images. Our breakthrough in solving these challenges is an approach known as transfer learning, which allows us to train machine learning models with orders of magnitude less data than required by traditional content analysis techniques. With indico, enterprises are now able to benefit from the dramatic advantages of machine learning at a fraction of the time. For more information, visit.


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